Primal Hunt

You are invited to the greatest Hunt in history! Journey through prehistoric biomes, tracking down and going one-on-one with the most dangerous creatures to have ever walked the earth, DINOSAURS. Face the ferocity of a pack of Raptors, the strength, and power of an eight-ton Triceratops, or the terror of a 30-ft Tyrannosaurus Rex.

With an arsenal of high-tech weapons and armor at your disposal, you are poised to become the ultimate hunter…if you can survive. As you master each hunt, your prey becomes more dangerous as they are upgraded with advanced cybernetic enhancements, equipped with armor, carbine machine guns, rocket launchers, and the lethal ion cannon.

Rise to the challenge! Face the danger of putting yourself in the path of nature’s most feared creatures, risk everything for the ultimate thrill, and flirt with immortality to secure your place in history as the greatest hunter to have ever lived.

Maps: 2 Biomes: Jungle and Desert, with 10 unique maps

Dinosaurs: 26 total: 13 natural, 13 cybernetic

Arrows: Kinetic, Grapple, Anchor, Tripwire, Explosive, Poison and Seeker

Traps: Ice, Explosive and Poison

Achievements and customization

Map and Radar to locate and track Dinosaurs.

Interactive Trophy Room with head- and full-dinosaur mounts.

Field dress dinosaurs

Gameplay: 15-20 hrs



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